Meet The Team

We’d like to introduce our expert coaching team. They are our trainers for Scrum, Kanban, and leadership training, and they also offer organizational and team coaching, mentoring, and consulting. Our coaches each have different specialities and interests, but what they all have in common is a passion for empowering people to transform their organizations, inspiring innovation, and driving meaningful, lasting change.

Our team offers tailored solutions to help you navigate change in your organization. With backgrounds spanning engineering, marketing, and communications, project management, software development, healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and more, our team has the knowledge and experience to bring you tangible results.

Take a look at their profiles below, or reach out to our office team if you need help finding your perfect match.

agile42’s mission

Everyone is talented beyond their awareness and means. We help people to discover that talent and perform to that potential, achieving a higher level of satisfaction in the process. We enable them, nay encourage them to challenge the status quo, to act on their passion for learning, and to have fun while continuously improving their organization.

Marion Eickmann
Marion Eickmann Founder, CEO

Office Team

Alexandra Baller
Ernst Botes
Amy Bridge
Vanessa Cinquegrana
Suzanne Daly
Michi Ukawa

Frequently Asked Questions

What does an Agile coach do?

Agile coaches facilitate the adoption of Agile methodologies, empowering teams to collaborate effectively, adapt to change, and deliver value to customers efficiently. They provide guidance on implementing Agile frameworks, such as Scrum or Kanban, tailored to the organization’s unique context. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, Agile coaches help teams streamline processes, increase productivity, and respond swiftly to market demands. Ultimately, they enable organizations to embrace agility as a strategic advantage, driving sustainable growth and resilience in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Why do I need a mentor?

Mentoring isn’t just a trendy buzzword; it’s a proven vehicle for success. According to a 2006 study by Gartner at Sun Microsystems, a tech company in California, mentees are five times more likely to be promoted, while mentors are six times more likely, compared to those who don’t. Here are five other ways mentoring can help you and your organization:

  1. Accelerated Learning 
  2. Increased Job Satisfaction
  3. Improved Employee Retention 
  4. Higher profits
  5. More salary increases

Read more about how to find a mentor and the benefits of mentoring.